7 dic 2011

 The World Explained

9 December 2011 until 11 March 2012
Park Hall, Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam

    ‘Our view of the world consists to a large extent of suspicions, makeshift connections and personal interpretations.’ Erick Beltrán

From 9 December 2011 Mexican artist Erick Beltrán presents the art project The World Explained. Since September 2011, Erick Beltrán and a team of young anthropologists began interviewing residents of Amsterdam, assembling the results in a contemporary encyclopaedia. You can see the results of these interviews until 11 March 2012 in the Park Hall of Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam.

For the occasion, Park Hall, Tropenmuseum, will be refurnished as a live print workshop: here visitors are interviewed and selected stories are printed on three printers. In Tropenmuseum you can view the 32-page volume of the latest theories.

Three editions: Amsterdam, São Paulo and Barcelona
Before this edition, Erick Beltrán produced volumes of The World Explained in São Paulo (2008) and Barcelona (2009). You can also see the personal theories he collected there, compare Amsterdam’s mentality with that of São Paulo and Barcelona. When the exhibition finishes, the three editions will be combined to form a single complete volume.


1 dic 2011


Antoni Muntadas
Warning: Perception requires involvement

National Centre for Contemporary Arts

2 - 25 December,  2011

Antoni Muntadas (Barcelona, 1942) is one of the first artists who started to use new technologies in the visual arts  and make  artistic exploration of virtual space. He has always concerned,  over the years, about critical rethinking of ideology, historical memory and political power structures, cultural industries, different social contexts, and interaction between public and private spaces. Muntadas defines his artistic position as one of “an interpreter of images of what is happening in the world today” and who seeks “to identify what most often remains invisible.”
The exhibition of Muntadas' works is composed of two parts. His new project “On Translation: Stand by: Moscow” specially produced for Moscow and about Moscow is accompanied by a survey of his works. The survey part of the exhibition presents projects from 1970s to 1990s. (The Last Ten Minutes - II, 1977; Video Is Television? 1989; The Limousine Project, 1990; Portrait, 1994; La Siesta, 1995, etc.), as well as a series of his recent artworks, united under the title “On Translation.” The series “On Translation” is devoted to re-interpretation of social, political and cultural processes. The aim of the project is to attract the viewer's attention to the critical issues and conflicting phenomena in the contemporary environment.
The photo series "On Translation: Stand by: Moscow,” which was created specially for the Moscow exhibition, continue the cycle of projects "Stand by" represented by the author in various parts of the world. Looking at the people crowding or standing in queue and waiting for something, the artist explores, in his own words, “modern urban rituals”. The transformation of such a unique social and cultural phenomenon as the Soviet and post-Soviet queue is traced by Muntadas with the material of archival photographs, which are of no less importance in the project than the shooting on location.
The title of the exhibition, repeating the slogan of one of the artist's works, stresses that Antoni Muntadas' projects require the viewer not to give in to passive observation but  to be a critical  and attentive participant.


26 nov 2011


Nadala 2011

Fernando Prats
Fundació Miró, Barcelona

01.12.2011 – 08.01.2012

Fernando Prats - El nacimiento del mundo II, 1925 – 2011

"Hace años me rondaba la idea de trasladar una obra de Joan Miró al lugar más extremo del planeta, una acción que ha adquirido sentido en la Antártida"

Fernando Prats nos cuenta así el origen de su instalación en el patio del olivo de la Fundació con motivo de las fiestas navideñas. El artista viajó a la base chilena Arturo Prat, ubicada en la isla Greenwich, en la Antártida, con una bandera de explorador que reproducía el dibujo preparatorio que Joan Miró realizó para su obra El nacimiento del mundo, 1926. En un claro homenaje al artista catalán, Fernando Prats quiso poner de manifiesto el esfuerzo de los espíritus creadores para conquistar terrenos indómitos e inexplorados de la conciencia humana. Su acción en la Antártida, recogida en un video, pone de manifiesto de una forma literal la dificultad extrema que implica alcanzar ciertos territorios y dimensiones.


22 nov 2011






Figuras del amateur

Coloquio y performance de los artistas Erick Beltrán 

y Bernardo Ortiz

Jueves 24 de noviembre 2011, de 8h45 a 18h
Amphithéâtre Descartes – ENS de Lyon
15, parvis René Descartes, Lyon 7e (Metro Debourg)
Entrada libre

 Este coloquio, organizado dentro de la 11 Bienal de Lyon, interroga entorno a la figura del amateur que pone en cuestión la transmisión del saber artístico. Los debates acercan las cuestiones ligadas a las categorizaciones, a los compromisos y a las instituciones. ¿Es necesario aprender en una escuela para llegar a ser artista? ¿Es suficiente presentar trabajos en un contexto estético para ser reconocido como artista? Esta jornada se centrará en performances de artistas, invitados a recontextualizar su desarrollo y a perturbar las modalidades sociales del coloquio a partir de hechos ficcionales que aparecen como efectivos. Se tratará pues de la immersión del público y los participantes en la ambivalencia de su propio objeto de estudio: ¿qué se representa?


8h 30 Recepción
9h Apertura por M. Yves Winkin, Director del Institut Français de l’Education / ENS
9h15 The Congress, Aby Warburg, Hofstadter, Ramachandran Estelle Zhong, Vincent Zonca et Quentin Rioual
Erick Beltran y Bernardo Ortiz
11h30 Patrice Flichy, profesor de sociología en Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, miembro de Laboratoire Techniques, territoires et sociétés (LATTS), autor de la obra Le sacre de l’amateur (2010).
13h Pausa
14h, Marie-Christine Bordeaux, Conferenciante en Université de Grenoble-3, miembro del Groupe de recherche sur les enjeux de la communication (GRESEC), co-directora de la obra Le théâtre des amateurs et l’expérience de l’art (2011).
15h30 Olivier Assouly, profesor de filosofía, responsable de investigación en Institut français de la mode.
L’amateur. Juger, participer et consommer (2010), bajo su dirección.
17h Proyección del video Stand by me de Mark Johnson producido por Playing For Change
(PFC) - Le musicien de rue : ce que l’amateur perçoit